Sport Studies R186
Complete PowerPoint
Topic 1 - The different sources of media that cover sport
Topic 2 -Positive effects of the media in sport
Topic 3 - Negative effects of the media in sport
93 slides
All the information needed for writing the assignment
Can be used with the work booklet to cover content for the assignment
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Contemporary Issues In Sport (R184)
Complete PowerPoint (148 slides)
Complete Revision Guide
Complete Work Booklet
Includes a PowerPoint – Revision Guide – Work Booklet with slides that cover all the topics. Also includes subject content taken from the syllabus. These are handy tools that can be used together to revise for the exam
Topic 1 - Issues which affect participation in sport
Topic 2 - The role of sport in promoting values
Topic 3 - Implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
Topic 4 - : The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
Topic 5 - The use of technology in sport
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Performance and leadership in sporting activities (R185)
Complete Work Booklet (23 pages)
Complete PowerPoint (85 slides)
The work booklet contains all the information students need to cover all tasks from the syllabus and to write their assignment
The work booklet contains tasks to reinforce learning and understanding
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Conemporary Issues In Sport (R184)
Complete PowerPoint (148 slides)
Includes a PowerPoint with slides that are concise on all the topics. Also includes subject content taken from the syllabus. This is a handy tool to revise for the exam
Topic 1 - Issues which affect participation in sport
Topic 2 - The role of sport in promoting values
Topic 3 - Implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
Topic 4 - : The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
Topic 5 - The use of technology in sport
Ideally this should be used alongside the student revision guide and work booklet
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Conemporary Issues In Sport (R184)
Complete Student Work Booklet
Includes a work booklet to complete notes that are concise on all the topics. Also includes subject content taken from the syllabus. This is a handy tool to revise for the exam
Topic 1 - Issues which affect participation in sport
Topic 2 - The role of sport in promoting values
Topic 3 - Implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
Topic 4 - : The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
Topic 5 - The use of technology in sport
Ideally this should be used along side the student revision guide or powerPoint
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Conemporary Issues In Sport (R184)
Complete Revision Guide
Includes notes that are concise on all the topics. Also includes subject contact taken from the syllabus. This is a handy tool to revise for the exam
Topic 1 - Issues which affect participation in sport
Topic 2 - The role of sport in promoting values
Topic 3 - Implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city or country
Topic 4 - : The role National Governing Bodies (NGBs) play in the development of their sport
Topic 5 - The use of technology in sport
Ideally this should be used along side the student work booklet or powerPoint
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Performance and leadership in sporting activities (R185)
Complete Work Booklet (23 pages)
The work booklet Contains all the information student need to cover from the syllabus and to write their assignment
The work booklet contains tasks to reinforce learning and understanding
Ideally this should be used along side the PowerPoint
Cambridge National
Sports Studies
Performance and leadership in sporting activities (R185)
Complete PowerPoint (85 Slides)
The powerPoint Contains all the information student need to cover from the syllabus and to write their assignment
The PowPoint contains tasks to reinforce learning and understanding
Ideally this should be used along side the student work booklet
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R042 - Principles of Training PowerPoint
Learning Outcome 1: Know the principles of training in a sporting context
Learning Outcome 2: Know how training methods target different fitness components
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to conduct fitness tests
Learning Outcome 4: Be able to develop fitness training programmes
These PowerPoints will help s=designing and writing your assignment!
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R042 - Principles of Training PowerPoint (93 slides in total)
Learning Outcome 1: Know the principles of training in a sporting context
Learning Outcome 2: Know how training methods target different fitness components
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to conduct fitness tests
Learning Outcome 4: Be able to develop fitness training programmes
This PowerPoint will help designing and writing your assignment!
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R042 - Principles of Training PowerPoint
Learning Outcome 4: Be able to develop fitness training programmes
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R042 - Principles of Training PowerPoint
Learning Outcome 2: Know how training methods target different fitness components
Cambridge National in Sport - Sport Science
R042 - Principles of Training PowerPoint
Learning Outcome 1: Know the principles of training in a sporting context
Videos on the classification of skills
Open skills
Closed skills
Basic skills
Complex skills
Low organised skills
High organised skills
Videos give explanations and differences of all the skills
A six week healthy eating project
Includes the topics:
What nutrients and why
Balanced diet
Calories in food
How many calories should I have?
Looking at the labels
Health Halo’s
Analysing a diet
Tips for healthy eating
Dangers of over-eating
Dangers of under-eating
Super size me
Gives the pupils the knowledge and understanding of the foods we eat so they can make the correct choices.
Includes tasks such as:
planning health meals
Working out the calories, salt, saturated fat and sugar in their meals
Planning a day eating only Macdonalds and evaluating the contents
Watching the documentary Super Size Me (This is available on youtube and Amazon prime)
The resource is an ongoing process, but could be broken down as follows:
Week 1: Nutrients, balanced diet, design a 1 day diet plan, quiz, how many calories
Week 2: Food labels, quiz, health halo’s analysing a diet, analysing your own diet
week 3: Tips for a healthy diet, plan a 2 day diet plan,
Week 4: Energy balance, overeating, under eating, quiz
Week 5: Plan and analyse a day eating MacDonald’s food, 1st half of documentary
Week 6: Documentary
Btec Sport Level 3
Unit 1
Complete PowerPoint
Skeletal System
• A1 Structure of the skeletal system
• A2 Functions of the skeletal system
• A3 Joints
• A4 Responses of the skeletal system to a single sport or exercise session
• A5 Adaptations of the skeletal system to exercise
• A6 Additional factors affecting the skeletal system
Muscular System
• B1 Characteristics and functions of different types of muscles
• B2 Major skeletal muscles of the muscular system
• B3 Antagonistic muscle pairs
• B4 Types of skeletal muscle contraction
• B5 Fibre types
• B6 Responses of the muscular system to a single exercise session
• B7 Adaptations of the muscular system to exercise
• B8 Additional factors affecting the muscular system
Respiratory System
• C1 The structure of the respiratory system
• C2 Function of the respiratory system
• C3 Lung volumes
• C4 Control of breathing
• C5 Responses of the respiratory system to a single sport or exercise session
• C6 Adaptations of the respiratory system to training
• C7 Additional factors affecting the respiratory system
Cardiovascular System
• D1 The structure of the cardiovascular system
• D2 The functions of the cardiovascular system
• D3 Nervous control of the cardiac cycle
• D4 Responses of the cardiovascular system to a single sport or exercise session
• D5 Adaptations of the cardiovascular system to exercise
• D6 Additional factors affecting the cardiovascular system
Energy Systems
• E1 The role of ATP in exercise
• E2 The ATP-PC (Alactic) system in exercise and sports performance
• E3 The lactate system in exercise and sports performance
• E4 The aerobic system in exercise and sports performance
• E5 Adaptations of the energy system to exercise
• E6 Additional factors affecting the energy systems
Btec Sport Level 3
Unit 1
Complete PowerPoint
Skeletal System
• A1 Structure of the skeletal system
• A2 Functions of the skeletal system
• A3 Joints
• A4 Responses of the skeletal system to a single sport or exercise session
• A5 Adaptations of the skeletal system to exercise
• A6 Additional factors affecting the skeletal system
Muscular System
• B1 Characteristics and functions of different types of muscles
• B2 Major skeletal muscles of the muscular system
• B3 Antagonistic muscle pairs
• B4 Types of skeletal muscle contraction
• B5 Fibre types
• B6 Responses of the muscular system to a single exercise session
• B7 Adaptations of the muscular system to exercise
• B8 Additional factors affecting the muscular system
Respiratory System
• C1 The structure of the respiratory system
• C2 Function of the respiratory system
• C3 Lung volumes
• C4 Control of breathing
• C5 Responses of the respiratory system to a single sport or exercise session
• C6 Adaptations of the respiratory system to training
• C7 Additional factors affecting the respiratory system
Cardiovascular System
• D1 The structure of the cardiovascular system
• D2 The functions of the cardiovascular system
• D3 Nervous control of the cardiac cycle
• D4 Responses of the cardiovascular system to a single sport or exercise session
• D5 Adaptations of the cardiovascular system to exercise
• D6 Additional factors affecting the cardiovascular system
Energy Systems
• E1 The role of ATP in exercise
• E2 The ATP-PC (Alactic) system in exercise and sports performance
• E3 The lactate system in exercise and sports performance
• E4 The aerobic system in exercise and sports performance
• E5 Adaptations of the energy system to exercise
• E6 Additional factors affecting the energy systems
Btec Sport Level 3
Unit 1
Complete PowerPoint
E1 The role of ATP in exercise
E2 The ATP-PC (Alactic) system in exercise and sports performance
E3 The lactate system in exercise and sports performance
E4 The aerobic system in exercise and sports performance
E5 Adaptations of the energy system to exercise
E6 Additional factors affecting the energy systems
Btec Sport Level 3
Unit 1
Complete PowerPoint
D1 The structure of the cardiovascular system
D2 The functions of the cardiovascular system
D3 Nervous control of the cardiac cycle
D4 Responses of the cardiovascular system to a single sport or exercise session
D5 Adaptations of the cardiovascular system to exercise
D6 Additional factors affecting the cardiovascular system